Pseudonym management

Find subject by study pseudonym

  1. Click on Studies on the front page

  2. In the list of studies, find the study and click Execution

  3. Go to the By pseudonym tab

  4. Enter the pseudonym. If there is more than one pseudonym list for this study, you also have to select the correct one.

Find subject by pseudonym from a general pseudonym list

  1. Click on Subjects on the front page

  2. Click on Find by pseudonym next to the search button. This button will only show up if you have access to a general pseudonym list.

  3. Select the correct pseudonym list. Enter the pseudonym.

Get the pseudonyms of a subject

  1. Click on Studies on the front page

  2. In the list of studies, find the study and click Execution

  3. In the list of participating subjects, click Details

  4. In the subject overview, the pseudonym is listed among the subject’s contact data and operational hints


The pseudonyms are only shown once you click a button. Each access to a pseudonym is monitored to detect abuse.