
Manage Users

  1. Click on Admin on the front page

  2. Go to Users

  3. Click on Add User (oval with grey background)

  4. Enter the username and password and then click Save and continue editing


    If you are using LDAP you should not enter a password.

  5. Add the appropriate global Roles

  6. Add the appropriate Privacy levels

  7. Add the appropriate general pseudonym lists

  8. Set an expiration date

  9. Click on one of the saving options

Unlock locked Users

There can be different reasons why a user has been locked:

  1. Account has expired: Update the expiration date (see Manage Users)

  2. Too many login attempts: See django-axes

  3. Lost access to second authentication factor: Remove the user’s MFA Keys via the admin interface

Important steps when a user account has been compromised

  • Check the audit trail: Castellum can be configured to create an Audit Trail that sometimes allows to retrace suspicous behavior.

  • Reset user tokens: Besides login, some features of castellum can also be accessed by using a user token. An administrator can delete the token in the admin UI. A new one will be generated automatically.

Customize Roles

  1. Click on Admin on the front page

  2. Go to Groups

  3. Click on Add Group (oval with grey background)

  4. Enter a name for the new role

  5. Add the appropriate permissions (see the list of relevant Permissions)

  6. Click on one of the saving options

Manage Attributes

Castellum does not dictate a fixed set of recruitment attributes that can be stored. Instead, it allows to define your own attributes.

However, that flexibility comes with a cost: There are certain limits to what you can define and migrating existing data is not that simple.

Create Attributes

  1. Click on Admin on the front page

  2. Go to Attributes

  3. Click on Add attribute (oval with grey background)

  4. Select an appropriate Field type that should be used for the attribute

  5. URL can be used to link to a formal definition. It is currently only used when exporting the attributes in BIDS format.

  6. Order and Category can be used to position the attribute in the UI

  7. Statistics rank allows to include this attribute in recruitment statistics. There can only be one of each, so you may have to deselect a primary or secondary attribute before selecting a new one.

  8. Label should be the actual name of the attribute.

  9. Filter label can be useful if you want to use a different label for the filter. Otherwise this can be left blank.

  10. Help text can be used to provide additional hints to users.

  11. If appropriate, fill in all possible values as Attribute choices. The options Declined to answer and Unknown are available by default, so there is no need to create them explicitly.

  12. Be sure to provide translations for label, help text and choices if Castellum is set up to support more than one language

Change Attributes

While changing informational data such as label and help text is safe, changing behavior (field type and choices) usually requires custom data migrations. There is currently no special support for attribute migrations in Castellum. However, it should be possible to create such a migration using the available django interfaces.

As a general rule, we recommend creating a new Attribute and deprecating the old one over modifying an existing one.

When you delete an attribute, all related data will automatically be deleted along with it. Note that filters which use this attribute will also be deleted.

Recommendations for Attributes

Though it may be tempting to store all kinds of meta data about subjects, you should stick to a small set of attributes that you actuallt need for filtering. Before adding one, you may want to consider the following check list:

  • Is the attribute needed for more than one study?

  • Do you have the ressources to gather and maintain this data?

  • Will the data stay relevant or will it change often?

  • Does the benefit of storing this data outweigh the risk for subjects in case of a data leak?

Manage general pseudonym lists

  1. Click on Admin on the front page

  2. Go to Domains

  3. Click on Add Domain (oval with grey background)

  4. Enter a name

  5. Leave the object_id and content_type fields empty

  6. Click on one of the saving options