Security Measures

Account restrictions

  • Users are automatically logged out on inactivity

  • User accounts expire on a set date

  • Two factor authentication (can be made mandatory)


Most actions in castellum are protected by one or more permission. For easier handling, permissions are usually not assigned directly. Instead, they are collected into meaningful groups (aka Roles). Castellum comes with some pre-defined sample groups, but you can adapt them to your needs.

Note that the django framework automatically generates a lot of permissions. Only a few of them are actually used. The full list is:

  • studies.approve_study

  • studies.view_study

  • studies.change_study

  • studies.delete_study

  • studies.access_study

  • studies.view_audit_trail

  • subjects.view_subject

  • subjects.change_subject

  • subjects.delete_subject

  • subjects.export_subject

  • subjects.view_audit_trail

  • subjects.view_report

  • recruitment.recruit

  • recruitment.conduct_study

  • recruitment.search_participations

  • recruitment.change_appointments

  • appointments.view_current_appointments

  • castellum_auth.privacy_level_1

  • castellum_auth.privacy_level_2

Study membership

If a user is a member of a study, they automatically gain the special access_study permission in the context of that study. Study coordinator can also assign additional groups to study members that only apply in the context of the study.


By managing study memberships, study coordinator can escalate their own priviliges inside their studies. For example, they can allow themselves to access information about the participants. Still, there are mechanisms that limit the impact of this privilige escalation:

  • The set of Study specific roles controls which additional permissions a study coordinator may gain. By default, only a minimal set of roles is available. If you want to add additional roles, you should carefully consider the risks and benefits.

  • All studies need to be approved before they can start recruitment. The approver should check for suspicious settings before approving the study. However, for practical reasons all study settings (including memberships) can still be changed after the approval. Some organizations will even choose to allow study coordinator to approve their own studies.

  • Changes to study memberships are monitored so that abuse can be detected.

Privacy levels

Every subject has a privacy level. A user is only allowed to access that subject if they have a sufficient privacy level themselves. A user’s privacy level is controlled via the special permissions privacy_level_1 and privacy_level_2. The three levels (0-2) accord to the data security levels of the Max Planck Society.

Access to resources and general pseudonym lists

Similar to how a study membership allows a user to access a specific study, users need to be authorized to access specific resources and general pseudonym lists. This can only be done by administrators.

Database separation

We chose to split the data into three different categories:

  • Scientific data is handled outside of castellum. Castellum only provides the pseudonyms that are used to map this data to subjects.

  • Data relevant for recruitment is handled in castellum.

  • Contact data is also handled in castellum, but in a separate database to provide an additional barrier.

Storing contact data in a separate database provides a clear structure for developers that should help avoiding critical data leaks. Even if an attacker is able to dump a whole table or even a whole database, this structure still limits the impact. An attacker without access to castellum would need physical access to both databases in order to get the same level of access as with castellum.

However, it is important to understand that the barrier between recruitment and contact data is not that high. Since castellum has full access to both, an attacker can also gain full access. Spreading the system across several databases on different servers or even in different organizations does not help much if there is still a single point of entry.

Audit Trail

In order to allow analysing suspicious behavior, critical actions such as search, deletion, or login attempts can be recorded by enabling the CASTELLUM_AUDIT_TRAIL_ENABLED setting.

Users can have limited access to the audit trail if they have either the subjects.view_audit_trail or the studies.view_audit_trail permission.

Additionally, the setting CASTELLUM_MONITORING_INCLUDE_SEARCH can be used to control whether the audit trail records subject searches. This allows to detect users who abuse this feature. On the other hand, the search text usually contains personal information such as names and email addresses. It depends on the specific threat model whether it should be enabled or not.